Ok finally after a month or two of being a bum and working Siren is finally back on the agenda (well until Mario galaxy comes out).
anyway i would like to talk about what Siren is all about and go into the backstory a little evetually but for now I'm just going to be a lazy bum and post a load of crappy sketches of mine.
and I apoligise for my writting with some luck this should all make sense someday
first off Id like to introduce you to the stars of the show Volts crew the EX-arms
Being the big Ghost in the shell geek that I am I really wanted Volt to be the leader of a team much like section 9 in GITS.
During the war that precedes the Siren story The Ex-Arms were one of the most respected and highly sort after group of mercenaries in the world getting involoved in all sorts of espionage, assasination and inteligence gathering.
However times have changed and the organisation Volt and his comrades belonged to ARM-12 is now long forgotten but the skills of spies and gunmen are still very much in demand in a city as corrupt as Siren.