Hey there, here's a sketch I did of Volt last week. I was inspired after watching a gamer review on youtube of Hideo Kojima's Snatcher, which is an amazing game to say the least. It's a cross between Terminator, Blade Runner and Invasion Of the Body Snatchers, though I'm pretty sure there's a longer list of influences. If you ever get the chance to play it then do so, immediately. It really is an amazing game. I know Nick's currently in the midst of playing through it and loving it. Good man.^^
Anyway, when I envision Volt I tend to see him as a more 'worn out', slightly older version of Rick Deckard from Blade Runner. I came up with this look a bit by accident. Face-wise I was just 'going with the flow'. That's pretty much how I tend to approach any of my artwork, sort of like letting the work draw itself. Anyway I quite liked the way this one turned out. The rest of the body was just that 'gum-shoe'/'private-eye' look tacked on. I have to admit I liked the way his clothing, particularly the bottom of his trench coat, looks since I can't draw fabric or garments to save my life. Personally, I prefer Nick's rendition of Volt, for it's unique look and feel. Not surprising since this is all his idea. I'm thinking about doing more environmental drawings now, though, as A) I can't draw them and it'd make good practice and B) because I wanna have some fun seeing what I can come up with for Siren. I'll do my best to try and keep this updated.^^